Wine information > German wine history

German wine history

German wines in the early 20th century

Prior to WW I German wines were relatively popular. It is not likely that for some years to come the wines of Germany will recover their popularity, a fact which no keen patriot and ententist need regret. But a natural prejudice should not prevent one testifying to the fine quality of many of the German pre-war wines in particular to the Johannisberger, which has the reputation among connoisseurs of being the finest flavoured wine in the world; the
Steinberger,Rauenthaler, Geisenheimer, Marcobruenner, Rudesheimer, Niersteiner, Liebfraumilch, and the rest of the white Rhine wines which we classify under the general name of Hock.

Of the Moselles, a lighter wine that has no
long life, the best are Piesporter, Oligsberger, Brauneberger, Zeltinger, and Berncasteler Doktor. The trade in the sparkling Moselles and Hocks of the better quality was in keen
competition with the lesser wines of the Champagne. Those of the worse quality suggested perhaps a little too much the triumphs
of German chemistry.

A few red Hocks (which Dr. Saintsbury advises as a cure for insomnia) of the Aar district -Walporzheim, Bodendorff and Ahrweiler-have some reputation, but nearly all the fine wines of Germany are white.